Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S21 - Hadrat Khadija - The Pure One (raa)- The Sad Demise in the month of Ramadhan



Hadrat Khadija - The Pure One (raa) Session 21 The Sad Demise in the month of Ramadhan, 10th Year of Prophethood. In The Garden of Eternity The Messenger marries Khdija, Mariam, Kulthoom sister of Musa (as) & Asiya (raa) wife of the Pharoah. Khadija (raa) is in Paradise besides a river in a Palace of Reeds where there is no noise nor hardhip... (Abu Yalaa). The excellence of Jannat al Malaa, the burial place of Khadija (raa) (Ahmad). Khadija (raa) is in paradise between Saarah & Mariam (raa). A brief bio.