Nurah Speaks

(Ep 210) Self Awareness



Not having a healthy self awareness can frustrate us and others and lead to unproductive interactions and prohibiting our success.   We may have all met someone who has a problem or negative run in in nearly every environment they enter.  We may have experienced being in a board room where that one person or leader blurts something that is offensive to the group, something off topic or of no real value to the issue at hand.   And we can tell that the person in question has no idea how they are being perceived or how their comments impact others.  This is often a result of low EQ (emotional intelligence) and self awareness. To help us increase self awareness it is helpful to try two things.   When we find ourselves missing the mark in communication, getting results or inspiring our team, ask can ourselves ‘what' questions.  The default is often to ask ‘why’ however 'why' questions tend to lead to negative thinking or landing on answers that may feel right but not be right.   'What' question