Bucks To Business

Husband Wife Real Estate Teams



On this episode, Kasey Mock talks with his wife and CFO of Mock Ranches Group, Elizabeth Mock. They discuss various topics such as their roles in the company, their personal journey together as a husband-wife team in business, and the challenges they faced during COVID-19. They also talk about their financial strategies and how they became more proactive in managing their finances by finding a better CPA.  They dive into common mistakes made by husband-wife business owners, including avoiding financial conversations or hiring their spouse out of selfishness or scarcity mindset, and how building a lifestyle around income too early can hinder reinvestment back into the business and impede its growth. Finally, they discuss how it is crucial for business owners to hire based on qualifications rather than personal relationships to ensure optimal success in fulfilling promises made to employees, customers, contractors, vendors, and family members.