The Melissa Ambrosini Show

538: How To Break Free from Imposter Syndrome & Unlock Your True Potential



Do you ever feel like a fraud? Like you don’t deserve to be where you are?And like it’s just a matter of time before everyone sees through you?If you’re nodding your head right now, you might be suffering from a case of Impostor Syndrome.Imposter syndrome is when you feel like your success is undeserved and you chalk up any accomplishments to luck, rather than your own skills and abilities.If you’re familiar with this sneaky saboteur, there’s good news: there are plenty of simple but powerful techniques you can use to overcome this crushing self-doubt.In this hugely important and inspiring episode, you’ll learn how to move through and manage Imposter Syndrome so that it doesn’t stop you from chasing your dreams.Press play to learn: why no one is immune from self-doubt — not even world class performers and high achievers, my own personal experience with Imposter Syndrome while writing my first book, how reshaping your perceptions can help you rewrite your internal narrative, the "5-4-3-2-1" technique to g