Access With Julia

3. Episode 3 with Julia Sotas



Show Notes A Trophy Wife is a woman who is usually married to a man who is older who has money and that was something I wasn’t willing to do. I had some family members who were extremely judgmental. I grew up with people who were like rocks on legs. Its amazing how judgmental I became and now I'm much more aware of the judgments I'm coming to. Interesting Point of view I have this point of view is the tool I use all the time. I was using it when I thought something was wrong. What if I just acknowledged "this is a judgment and I'm judging?". The judgments affect our body like being in an electric chair and we're so used to it and we're basically numb to the fact that we're hitting ourselves with a taser all the time and the more you become aware, it physically hurts your body and your being. I started to become very clear where I was judging and it was so much, I continued to use that tool and it gets lighter and lighter and now I'm aware of where I'm judging myself. It becomes a different reality when