
393: How to handle the sense of underachievement



In this episode, we chat about handling the sense of underachievement. Something we all feel, at some point in life. If you've ever felt like you're falling short or struggling with a sense of underachievement, this episode provides action steps to redefine your sense of achievement and embrace your journey.The waitlist for the MerryBody Teacher Training Program is now open. Our second cohort will start in March 2024. if you have an inkling that this is maybe for you, we encourage you to join the waitlist so you are first to know about when our early bird opens.This is what we spoke about during the episode Comparison with others can be a trap as it often leads to overlooking your own progress and accomplishments. So it's crucial to set realistic and personalised goals.It's important that we redefine our sense of achievement in terms of personal development, fulfilment and the impact that we make. Rather than the external validation or societal standards.What's your own idea of success? Stop and look at