We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

321 Mary Terhune - Awakening to Our Divine Nature



Mary Terhune has been in the healing arts for over 40 years journeying as a registered nurse from allopathy to homeopathy, body-centered therapeutic massage, and the realm of Reiki and energy medicine. Her conscious awareness completely changed after an astonishing spontaneous spiritual awakening during a life crisis.With a foreword by Dr. Raymond Moody and high praise from Dr. Wayne Dyer, Mary is the author of Out of the Blue: True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation, and Transformation. https://amzn.to/2xffbwp On our show today you’ll hear about her journey, her awakening and her experience that brought her the message that divinity is humankind’s natural state and the encounter she had that dispelled the illusion of birth and dying. You may visit Mary’s website at: https://maryterhune.com/ Thank you for listening! Meet Sandra at the IANDS 2019 International Conference (International Association for Near Death Studies) held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 29 - September 1st, 2019 find our more at