We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

276 Sandra's Symposium Experience & Living the Miraculous Speech



2018 Afterlife Symposium was a huge success! In this episode I share my personal story of experiences at the Symposium as well share with you the speech I gave. The links to the things I mention in this episode are below. Thanks for Listening! -Sandra Afterlife Symposium Website: http://afterlifesymposium.org/ Thursday Scott Milligan’s Trance Q & A: https://schampl578.audioacrobat.com/download/ScottMilliganTrance13Sept2018.mp3 Thursday Scott Milligan Seance Audio: https://vimeo.com/292048247/6bbb7f5057 Sonia Rinaldi Presentation: https://www.afterlifeinstitute.org/sonia-rinaldi-m-s/ Streaming for the Soul link to pay/watch speeches from Afterlife Symposium: https://bit.ly/2QbIEPf Saturday Scott Milligan’s Trance Q & A: https://youtu.be/Hi_mhK5-7RU Online Afterlife Zoom Meetings: victorzammit.com/zoom Anita Moorjani - Dying to be Me book: https://amzn.to/2IlpwLM Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures book on Amazon - Mary Baker Eddy: https://amzn.to/2Iiug4Y OR Free PDF: https://bit.ly/2R3esqW (