We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

264 John J Davis - Shares his NDE - "Transported Directly to the Other Side"



The survivor of an Near Death Experience, John Davis' account is far more detailed and extraordinary than what we usually hear or read about. His experience occurred while he was in the hospital undergoing surgery when his heart stopped. Rather than seeing the white light or going through a tunnel he was transported directly to the Other Side. Today he’ll share his account of what happens when we die, what we do when we're there, and the knowledge that our loved ones are there and happy too. He says death is an illusion and that the Other Side is our real home. On this episode he shares his account of what happens when we die, what we do when we're there, and the knowledge that our loved ones are there and happy too. He says death is an illusion and that the Other Side is our real home. John may be contacted at Jandcdavis4@msn.com or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010378173814 *Enjoying We Don't Die Radio episodes? Would you like to be a Patron of the show? Consider donating $1 or m