We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

258 Debbie Johnstone & Ann Albers - Listening to our Animals and Angels



Our animal companions are our earth angels. Today we have two special ladies who have so much in common. Debbie Johnstone is a world renowned and highly sought animal communicator, spiritual teacher, and mystic. Debbie works with animals on an intuitive level, tuning in to their energy. She is able to communicate with all species of animals whether they are presently in physical form or spirit form, and has found that sometimes our pets are “angels in disguise.” https://listen2animals.com https://818lightworks.com Ann Albers is an International Angel Communicator, Author, Spiritual Instructor, & Modern Mystic. Ann’s passion is to teach others to tap into the power and beauty of their souls, and learn to connect with the love and wisdom of their angels. In addition to her many books and CDs, Ann publishes a popular weekly newsletter called “Messages from Ann and The Angels” with subscribers worldwide. website: http://www.visionsofheaven.com Find out more about the Touched By An Angel dinner banquet at http