We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

249 - Ann, Rob & Sandra's Trip to Banyan Retreat Witnessing Mental, Trance & Physical Mediumship



I've just returned from http://banyanretreat.com/ and had an amazing time at Whispers From the Soul. On this video interview I join my friends Ann and Rob as we discuss the 5 day workshop which included seances with the physical medium http://scottmilligan.net/ Ann is an evidential medium and can be contacted through her website https://www.avomedium.com/ Rob is a developing physical medium and can be contacted via email at rkblack@mtco.com Visit https://www.banyanretreat.com/ and http://www.scottmilligan.net/ to find out more about the amazing world of physical mediumship. Scott is offering an online course called "Exploring Physical Mediumship with Scott Milligan" find out more and register at http://www.scottmilligan.net/exploring-physical-mediumship-with-scott-milligan/ In this episode you'll also hear about the wonderful evidential and trance medium and mentor Eileen Davies http://www.eileendavies.co.uk/ Ann Harrison, who tells the most remarkable stories of the Saturday Night Club home circle http://www