We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

237 Ann Harrison - The Mediumship of Minnie Harrison and Harrison Connections (love between two worlds)



Author, Speaker & Saturday Night Press Publisher, Ann Harrison witnessed so much evidence of the Afterlife! She is following in her husband Tom's footsteps delivering a presentation about the remarkable mediumship of her mother in law, Minnie Harrison. It all started after the death of her first husband in 1990, when Ann became interested in communication from the spirit realms and also qualified in several healing therapies. She became involved in research into physical phenomena on meeting her second husband, Tom and has sat with several current physical mediums. Her connection through Tom with Prof. David Fontana led to an awareness of ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) in 2004 and she began collating the ITC Journal for Anabela Cardoso. Since Tom’s transition to higher realms Ann is continuing his work in spreading the knowledge of the reality of psychic phenomena and what might be achieved when people sit together in harmony and sincerity. Ann is the author of “Harrison Connections” http://amzn.to