We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

230 Pat Johnson - Wisdom of the Near Death Experience



A kayaking trip changed Pat Johnson's life for ever. Over the last many years, Pat has been been an active member of the Central Texas International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) Pat is also one of the founding members and organizers of the upcoming ”Wisdom of the Near Death Experience,” a symposium that is being held March 23-25, 2018 in Austin, Texas. You can find out more at http://neardeathwisdom.com Pat’s passion and focus today, is sharing the lessons he learned from his near death experience, and showing that anyone can access these messages and make them a part of their lives. NEWS and UPDATES... "We Don't Die - A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death" now available on AUDIOBOOK, get it here http://amzn.to/2yX0TzF all proceeds go to the funding of We Don't Die Radio Show The AREI Afterlife Symposium has announced their 2018 dates (September 14-16) and registration is now available http://www.afterlifesymposium.org/ I'll see you there for sure! Remember to get Sandra's PDF Report "19 Rea