We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

218 Sharon Wesch - True Healing from Grief & Infant Loss



Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Sharon Wesch is the author of two books “Connected for All Time” Books One and Two. Find out more and purchase at http://connectedforalltime.com Dr. Wesch has thirty years experience with healing grief in her outpatient private practice. In addition, she is an expert in energy field medicine. A pioneering spirit, she has traveled internationally teaching spiritual healing and her mission is dedicated to healing grief. Her website is http://connectedforalltime.com and can be directly contacted there. NEWS and UPDATES! "We Don't Die - A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death" now available on AUDIOBOOK, get it here http://amzn.to/2yX0TzF all proceeds go to the funding of We Don't Die Radio Show The AREI Afterlife Symposium just announced their 2018 dates (September 14-16) and registration is now available: http://www.afterlifesymposium.org/ I'll see you there for sure! Remember to get Sandra's PDF Report "19 Reasons to Believe in Life After Death" at https://goo.gl/9E3UWa *Enjo