We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

215 Scott Milligan - Physical Mediumship's Past, Present and Future



Physical Mediumship is the most phenomenal, rare and most controversial forms of mediumship today. In this episode, the extraordinary physical medium and tutor, Scott Milligan talks of many of the pioneers of physical mediumship, present day phenomena, apports, and how you can be involved in the discovery today. Scott Milligan has over 20 years of understanding the trance or altered state, and has sat in well over three hundred séances with three physical mediums. All this in addition to his own development. He teaches workshops and spends most of his time demonstrating in seance conditions and encouraging others to sit for the other world. His website is http://www.scottmilligan.net I encourage you to listen to episode 188 of my first amazing interview with Scott here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQhy6BuCIUo References in this interview: Banyan Retreat (to attend physical mediumship & more) http://banyanretreat.com/ Voices of the Past - November http://voicesofthepast.co.uk/ Whispers of the Soul - Ap