We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

213 Diane Corcoran and Lilia on Understanding Veterans' NDEs, iands.org & Saint Germain Foundation



Retired Army Colonel Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD has served as IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) president. She is an internationally known lecturer & educator with over 30 Years in Near Death Experience Education and over 25 years military experience. Lilia is a counselor, who has been a Student of the Light for over 40 years, and is passionate about serving our veterans and the Saint Germain Foundation books. View trailer and order Understanding Veterans' Near-Death Experiences https://iands.org/resources/media-resources/front-page-news/1142-donate-to-the-veterans-nde-video.html To find out more about the International Association for Near Death Studies, please visit www.iands.org IANDS President Emerita, Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD, Retired Army Colonel will speak at the Beyond the Brain XII Conference at Regents University, London during October 28-29, 2017. More information can be found at: www.scimednet.org A NOTE FROM LILIA: Below find the info to order the books of the Saint Germai