We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

209 The Afterlife Symposium and More



Wilbur and Orville Wright did not give up on their dream of a "flying machine." Thomas Edison never gave up on his dreams of "incandescent light, moving pictures and the phonograph." Where would the world be without these inventions? 2017 marks the dawning of a new age. The AREI - Afterlife Research and Education Institute brought together over 30 experts in the field of the afterlife and over 500 attendees to introduce our dream of Global Afterlife Awareness. It was a phenomenal weekend! Listen to my story about the Symposium on this edition of We Don't Die Radio. Get the PDF "19 Reasons to Believe in Life After Death" at https://goo.gl/9E3UWa *Enjoying We Don't Die Radio episodes? Consider donating to help operating costs of the show (I keep the show commercial-free on purpose) please visit: https://www.paypal.me/SandraChamplain Please visit http://www.afterlifestudies.org/  - learn about the yearly Afterlife Symposium brought to you by the Afterlife Research and Education Institute and Join as an AREI memb