We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

206 Brandon Beachum - Host of The Positive Head Podcast



Brandon Beachum is the host of The Positive Head Podcast, which is consistently ranked in the top five Spirituality podcasts worldwide on iTunes. In an effort to regularly elevate his listeners vibrations, he passionately explores the ultimate nature of reality and conducts interviews and discussions with some of the world’s foremost consciousness change-makers five days a week. In fact, Brandon interviewed me on episode #499 of his show - listen at: goo.gl/eV5aN6 You can find our more about Brandon and listen to his amazing podcast by visiting http://positivehead.com/ On this episode we talk about the book "The Little Soul & the Sun" view here: http://amzn.to/2xd1Ned The book, "Many Lives, Many Masters" view here: http://amzn.to/2j6ZCCM Dr. Bruce Lipton's video, "Biology of Belief" view here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjj0xVM4x1I&pbjreload=10 and his site: https://www.brucelipton.com Esther Hicks and Abraham: http://www.abraham-hicks.com Get the PDF "19 Reasons to Believe in Life After Death"