We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

189 Nic Whitham of Banyan Retreat on Physical Phenomena & Spiritual Development



The word "seance" may conjure up all sorts of images in your mind. However, at Banyan Retreat the word suggests a safe, loving place with wonderful people that have gatherings where our loved ones in spirit can visit us. The "physical phenomena" is extraordinary. Events are filled with love, laughter and a feeling of experiencing the miraculous. Nic Whitham along with Steven Siu are the trustees of Banyan Retreat. Banyan is a small non-residential day retreat center in the heart of Kent in the UK. On episode 149 of this show you may have heard me tell my stories of visiting Banyan for their 5 day "Voices of the Past" retreat where I experienced physical mediumship seances…and met Nic & Steven and the wonderful physical medium, Scott Milligan. Banyan Retreat offers Natural Healing modalities, Mediumship Development Workshops and Demonstrations to promote Spiritual growth.  You can be assured that they only work with the best mediums and tutors and great care is taken with everyone who visits, to ensure yo