We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

188 Scott Milligan - Physical Mediumship



Physical Mediumship is VERY rare in the world. Only a handful of mediums demonstrate to the public. Scott Milligan is one of the few and an extraordinary man, fueled by his passion to help heal those grieving and to be of service to the those in the Other World. Scott has over fifteen years of understanding the trance or altered state, and has sat in well over three hundred séances with three physical mediums. All this in addition to his own development. He teaches workshops and spends most of his time demonstrating in seance conditions and encouraging others to sit for the other world.  To listen to the Bonus Material shared in this conversation, please visit http://sandrachamplain.com/scott-milligan-episode-188-bonus-material/ Visit Scott's website  http://www.scottmilligan.net/ To purchase CDs & Audios http://www.scottmilligan.net/cart/index.php?route=product/category&path=60 Banyan Retreat http://www.banyanretreat.com/  to attend Physical Mediumship Seances and more. “Voices of Past” November 20