We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

183 Karl Jackson-Barnes - on Leslie Flint, Afterlife Recordings and Physical Mediumship



Voices being recorded from the Afterlife? Is it possible? Karl Jackson-Barnes has some incredible stories to share and clips of audios in this amazing episode! Karl has studied Mediumship in the UK for 30 years - both as a Researcher and Practitioner.  He is editor and publisher for 'Psychic Book Club Publishing' - which - among others - produces vintage and new books on Spirit Communication. Karl also manages the new 'Leslie Flint Trust' website, which is full of vintage recordings of genuine Spirit Communications, through the unique "Voice Mediumship" of UK Medium, Leslie Flint. Please visit: http://www.psychicbookclub.com/  or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PsychicBookClub/ and  http://www.leslieflint.com/ On this episode we talk about: Life After Death by Neville Randall ( https://goo.gl/8zYNcY ) The Eduardian Afterlife Diary of Emma Holden ( http://www.psychicbookclub.com/afterlife-diary ) Gwen Byrne's book Russell  ( http://www.psychicbookclub.com/russell ) and The Russell Connection ( http://ww