We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

169 Sonia Rinaldi - Recording Video & Audio from the Afterlife



**There are some pictures and video you can watch from this episode. Please watch the last 8 minutes of this show on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/W6EQZcC3V_U Coming from Brazil today is Sonia Rinaldi. Sonia is co-founder and Research Director of IPATI - Instituto de Pesquisas Avançadas em Transcomunicação (the English translation is: Institute of Advanced Research on Instrumental Transcommunication). http://www.ipati.org/ She author of 17 books and has been participating in research on Instrumental Transcommunication for over 28 years, getting the best results in the world, both in transimages and voices. Sonia is recording clear voices of people in the afterlife, people on the earth plane who are unable to speak because of nonverbal autism, Lou Gherig’s Disease, dementia, and other such maladies, and unborn children. She is the pioneer in using computers to record transcontacts; and introduced new devices to the field of transcommunication, such as the telephone, cellular phone, and Skype. Sonia communicates