We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

115 Bryan Baskett on We Don't Die Radio Show



Spiritual Healing is very real, just listen to the words and experiences of Bryan Baskett. He is a man who has always had a strong desire to be a healer, however life took him in other directions. He has been a soldier, a businessman, a KungFu instructor, and a stay at home Dad. 11 years ago, after experiencing an amazing healing himself, Bryan began studying and working as a Healer. He started as a Reiki Practitioner, and soon progressed into Spiritual Healing. Bryan has also studied evidential mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College and says he has personally been given a “glimpse of Heaven.” He has taken part of some amazing and what many people would call "miraculous healings.” In this episode of http://wedontdieradio.com/ hear some of Bryan’s healing stories as well as his journey to becoming a Healer. My favorite quotes that Bryan shares are “Service is the coin of Spirit” and “Death is only a change of address.”   Bryan recommends the books “A Guide to Spirit Healing” by Harry Edwards (available at: