We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

093 Scarlett Lewis on We Don't Die Radio Show



Sandy Hook mom, Scarlett Lewis is my guest on this episode of We Don't Die Radio. Her story is profound - she explains her personal experience of that horrific day in December 2012 to now being a messenger for peace, forgiveness and love. What an amazing woman she is. You will most definitely be inspired by her words.  Here is more about her...Scarlett Lewis is a mother, an artist an avid horsewoman and an advocate for peace.  She is the founder of the "The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation” which she started in honor of her six year old son, Jesse Lewis, who was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School along side 19 of his classmates and 6 teachers in one of the worst mass murders in U.S history.The Foundation’s mission is to start "Choose Love Movements" throughout the world by spreading a message Jesse left on their kitchen chalkboard shortly before he died, which he wrote ‘Nurturing Healing Love’.Following Jesse's death, Scarlett wrote, "Nurturing Healing Love", a story about her journey of turning perso