We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

058 Jeffrey Marks



'The Afterlife Interviews' award-winning author Jeffrey Marks is absolutely incredible. He is also a professional psychic, evidential spiritual medium and paranormal researcher.  His twenty-five years of metaphysical studies, combined with more than a decade of trying to decode, decrypt, and understand the nature of psychic phenomenon has led to him being an extraordinarily compassionate man, who is out to make a difference in people's lives and, as he says,  "help foster the fire of multidimensional empowerment within you."Jeffrey has attended mediumship training at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in the United Kingdom, as well as courses with very mediums James Van Praagh and Lisa Williams.He is the author of "The Afterlife Interviews" VOLUME 1 and 2 AND "Your Magical Soul: How Science and Psychic Phenomena Paint a New Picture of the Self and Reality" and also teaches people how to be mediums in his course "Medium 101."Visit Jeffrey Marks' website at: www.spiritualexploration.com