Selfishbabe Selfishtalk Podcast

205. Affirmations To Say To Not Be A PickMiesha Affirmation Audio



Hi SelfishBabe, this is an affirmation episode for affirmations and prayers for you to say to not be a pickmiesha- a woman or person who will do anything to keep your relationship no matter HOW BAD the person treats you. If you want to be the prize and be chased vs being a PICK ME then listen to this episode and say these affirmations.Shop My Company Evolving Butterfly: To The SelfishBabe Podcast on Youtube + Watch This Episode: Affirmations In This Episode:I honor myself at all times.I am the prize. I view myself as the prize and act accordingly.They reach out to me more than I reach out to them.I am whole right now. No one else is needed to complete me as I am complete now.I create time for the things I enjoy doing and do them.I receive the gifts, the compliments, and the money.I am deciding to not help any person on the struggle boat interested in me. They need to find their own solutions outside