Visionary Life - Career| Inspired Living | Entrepreneurship

314 She Left Her Job To Follow In The Footsteps of The AirBNB Founders - Here's What Happened!



Welcome back to another episode of Visionary Life! I'm your host, Kelsey, and today we have a very special guest joining us, Maxine Cunningham. In this episode, Maxine generously allows us to pick her brain (she's the founder of Pick My Brain - see what I did ther?) as she shares her inspiring journey of personal and professional growth. Max opens up about...Her experience starting her career as an Investment Banker, becoming an Economist and eventually quitting to become an Entrepreneur (even though she had no idea how that would look!)She highlights the importance of relationships and the value of self-development and creating a Year On (aka Year Off) where you build your OWN curriculum!She challenges listeners to evaluate the true worth of their time, both in terms of how they spend it working and how they spend it on personal growth. She emphasizes the need to break away from careers that are not aligned with our values. Maxine also shares all about her business baby which is valued at 15 MILLION DOLLARS!