Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Figure Out What "Success" Means to You - #392



Knowing what you are going after is good. If you'd like to be a writer and spend the day coding, that could be viewed as a loss. On the other hand, if you want to become a computer programmer and you are coding, that surely means you are on the path!I didn't get the Alex Pauls interview up today. It was something I knew would happen but did I prioritize it - no. I looked in vain for a time that "felt right" to work on it - even though such a thing doesn't really exist.I have been a published author for the last day! I am super thankful and look forward to this next part of my journey. This is what I am going to prioritize. I am going to use this treasure to help measure my overall "success". I'll get the interview up tomorrow likely."God is Trying to Talk to Me" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN5WS9C8?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_P6H32N2TWQKTVXQE46RSSupport the show