The Anime Limited Podcast

20th April 2020 (My Next Life as a Villainess, A Certain Scientific Railgun T, Levius)



“Basking in the sun like a cat” The David Bowie of Animal Crossing, steam punk boxing, railguns and all routes leading to doom! A random show to being what will no doubt a random week in general! Jeremy and Andy are back to bring you another show filled random chatter and of course talk on anime they’ve been watching! A more laid back show than usual some might say. Today on the show, they look back their respective weekend which on the surface seemed quite different. There’s also talk on anime production started to be impacted before thoughts on the boxing series Levius on Netflix, A Certain Scientific Railgun T on Crunhyroll and Funimation, and My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! on Crunchyroll! And just when you think choices of what we watched and the reason behind them couldn’t get anymore random, Harry Potter is also talked about this podcast. --- WATCH-A-LONG DISCUSSION TOPIC ON FRIDAY: The Dragon Dentist This coming Friday our watch-a-long discussion style of podcast will return