Nurah Speaks

(Ep 212) Dimmed Light



I do not believe women should dim their light.  I believe women should know how to use their light.   We are in a time wherein the light of our men has been all but snuffed out totally.  This is evidenced in the current state of the Black Community and our men specifically.  The natural leadership, creativity, character and dependability of our men is not present.  They are yet to show us and themselves their potential and many are frustrated. And we are frustrated.  The scriptural representation of ‘kill the male, spare the female’ is manifest today and without understanding the implications, we misunderstand the dynamics at play. But Sister, you do not need to dumb it down.  Just understand their condition and act accordingly.  Use your intelligence, your knowledge to be a help, not hinderance to our Brothers and our society.   Do not dim your light, USE your light.  But first, we must understand. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions or topic suggesti