Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 472: Are We Just Fighting a Defensive War, or Do We Have a Vision for the Future?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:Strength and Direction  Are we just fighting a defensive war, or do we have a vision for the future?   What is the spiritual, cosmic and psychological nature of this war?  What is the true role of Israel and the Jewish people, why are they integrally connected, and what crucial mission must they bring to the entire world?  How to deal with a sworn enemy: Peace through strength and truth  Nip an infection in the bud: Preemptive actions  Should we consider public opinion?  The battle – rooted in the house of Abraham – is about fulfilling what G-d wants of humanity  We are the final stages of golus, ready to usher in the redemption  What should this war teach us? And how should we respond?  What is the best response to antisemitism?  How should we respond to the current historic wake-up call?  Lessons from the Franco-Russian War of 1812 and its spiritual implications  Today we have the power to transform the world of Esau and Ishmae