#justcosaudio : Craig O'sullivan

Leaders Should Know..End Times|On the CUBE Leadership Podcast 041 |Craig O'Sullivan & Dr Rod St Hill



Join Craig O'Sullivan and Dr Rod St Hill in an engaging and thought-provoking episode of the "On the CUBE Leadership Podcast Episode 041." In this episode, Craig O'Sullivan and Dr Rod St Hill embark on a profound exploration of End Times prophecy and theology from a Christian perspective, featuring an array of valuable resources and insights. They delve into the fascinating world of End Times theology, exploring interpretations of biblical prophecies, including the Rapture, Tribulation, and the Mark of the Beast, as discussed by prominent Christian pastor David Jeremiah. Discover the significance of Israel in End Times, drawing insights from the Replacement Theory and its theological implications for Israel's role in God's plan. The discussion also explores potential connections between ongoing world events, such as the Ukraine War, and biblical prophecies. They also talk about intriguing passages like Ezekiel 39 and Revelation 16:12, shedding light on these prophetic narratives. Additionally, they discus