Podcast Domination Show

Four Step Launch to Dominate Your Podcast Launch



If your interested in launching a podcast that magnetically pulls your ideal listener to your show and floods your inbox with thank you’s and prospects interested in working with you then this podcast will be the MOST important podcast episode you listen to this WEEK….. Imagine this for a second After months of research, recording, editing, your podcast its go time. You’ve spent hours and hours looking at “how to” videos online about the best equipment to buy for a podcast,  how to set up your RSS feed, how to get your show on to Itunes and learning how to edit audio etc.. And today is the day….You’ve finally made it... $1375.24 in fancy equipment and dozens of hours later your podcast is ready. You’ve gone through all the tedious BS just to see your show, on Itunes and you're ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Months of hard, boring techie work just to make it to this point then what happens? Crickets, no one is listening.. You’re starting to think that this was a mistake, your starting to regret it, y