Podcast Domination Show

5 Proven Ways to Grow Your Podcast Audience



PDS #11Do you have a plan for growth in 2019? Or is a build it and they will come kind of thing? Being intentional about your podcast audience growth in both downloads, conversions (one time listener, to subscribers to a customer) is essential. Those who have a plan and execute it typically fair a lot better than those who don’t which shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Just like progress in the gym, those who have a plan to build usually have better results than those who don’t. Today, I’m going to lay out five ways to grow your podcast in 2019.Since you’re reading this, I’m also going to give you a bonus that I’ve come across since recording this….my facebook group! And others like it. Getting into a group with other podcasters or an audience that is relevant can be a comfortable place to find a new audience.  My goal for you is to pick just one thing from this list and use it for the next week. Then report how it works here in the facebook group. I’ll hold you accountable and make sure you are taking a