Cheries World




Mr. Swanston is a leader in new media technology for today's millennial. He's a software developer that is launching OVNIO (a social TV network) for the user of tomorrow. He is a serial entrepreneur in the tech and entertainment sector. Jason has recently launched his NFT digital agency called NFT Fans Agency. NFT Fans is a boutique digital agency that mints NFTs for legacy clients with nostalgic artifacts. NFT FANS team is diligently building a hyper realistic metaverse called EARPHIA, scheduled to launch this year. His ambition with preserving Hip Hop culture has led him to launch the International Museum of Hip Hop in Las Vegas in 2025. The museum initiative has led his focus into tech real estate, hence his capital raise for a smart and sustainable micro-cities near HBCU's entitled Tusla Tech City. Tulsa Tech City is a brainchild smart and sustainable city initiative of Mr. Swanston's that will bridge the digital divide between Black Americans in urban areas throughout North America. Jason