Breaking Bread Podcast

3 things Teen Girls Should Know



With all the voices speaking into our teenage girls today, let’s be sure ours is one. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kathy Knochel and Katie Miller turn up the volume on 3 critical ideas from which our teenage girls would benefit. And it’s no surprise, God very much wants to speak into these important matters. Show notes:  Three things teen girls should know: 1.       Learn the sound of your inner voice. ·        Learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy self-talk. ·        Learn to tune out unhealthy self-talk. 2.       Learn to see your identity through God’s eyes. ·        Learn the difference between identities that come to us from this world and those that come to us from God. ·        Learn to tune in to who God has created you to be. 3.       Learn to see yourself as an image-bearer of God. ·        Learn to detect where your self-image is coming from. ·        Learn that your value and worth come from God. Resources