Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

Advent Series: Healing in His wings



In this inspiring episode, we delve into the powerful story of the bleeding woman from Mark 5 and its deep connections to ancient Jewish customs and prophecy.  The episode focuses on the daring act of the bleeding woman who, defying societal norms and legal restrictions, reaches out to touch the corner of Jesus' shawl. This moment of faith and desperation leads to her miraculous healing. We reflect on how Jesus not only heals her physically but also affirms her faith and claims her as His own, calling her 'daughter' – the only person in the New Testament to receive this direct address from Him. This story challenges us to consider the times when our faith might call us to act audaciously, breaking the mold of propriety in pursuit of something greater. Jesus' final words to the woman, 'Go in peace,' offer a deeper understanding of Shalom, a concept of wholeness and completeness, encouraging us to be bearers of peace and healing in the world. This episode invites us to embrace our vulnerabilities and find stren