Divorce Master Radio

Day In The Life Of A Divorce LDA (Paralegal) Los Angeles Divorce Divorce661 #dailyperspektiv Ep. 34



Why I file all cases in LA Downtown: Discover the advantages of filing divorce cases in LA Downtown for same-day or next-day approval on judgments compared to several weeks in other branch locations. Are amicable divorces becoming the new norm? Explore the growing trend of amicable divorces, with 90% of cases avoiding trial. Understanding the legal process of divorce: Gain insights into the divorce process, including filing and serving procedures. Common mistakes to avoid during a divorce: Learn about the pitfalls to watch out for, such as using incorrect paperwork or making errors on legal documents. Legal separation vs. divorce: Understand the differences and implications of legal separation and divorce. Hiring a divorce attorney when amicable: Discover alternative options to hiring an attorney and why they might be suitable for your situation. The role of mediation in divorce: Explore the various types of divorce mediation, how they fill in gaps, and complement the role of a Legal Document Assistant