Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Narcolepsy As a Superpower; Dick Wybrow



Dick Wybrow is an Amazon best-selling author of humorous supernatural fiction. He has captivated audiences as a rock radio DJ, stand-up comedian, and television producer for over 30 years. These days, he's moved on to a fourth career; bestselling fiction author. Ninety percent of his time is spent clacking away on a keyboard in solitude. His most recent endeavor is a Wolfwere Trilogy; Kane, Kane Unleashed, and Kane Unhinged. Dick remains centered by spending quality time with whānau (family) and friends. Canadian by birth, Dick grew up in the US and now lives in New Zealand. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.DickWybrow.com Book: Kane, Kane Unleashed, Kane Unhinged (Wolfwere Trilogy) Most Influential Person Tommy Kramer (a talent coach I once had) Effect On Emotions Mindfulness has, in a sense, helped me discover that I had narcolepsy. Just discovering that that was creating some of the frustration was a big help. Emotions