M&a Science

The Intricacies of M&A from Start to Finish



Rajive Dhar, VP, Head of Corporate Development at NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP) For first-time acquirers, M&A can be challenging, as it comes with strenuous processes with many complexities that can turn the dream into a nightmare. However, with proper guidance, acquirers can have a smooth transaction and an amicable negotiation.  In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast. We discuss the intricacies of M&A from start to finish with Rajive Dhar, VP, Head of Corporate Development at NetApp, to help us navigate our first deal. This episode is sponsored by the M&A Science Academy, DealRoom, and FirmRoom.  To join our growing online community of M&A practitioners, visit www.mascience.com/academy  Ready to take your M&A to the next level with software made to manage each stage of the deal process? See how DealRoom can facilitate your next deal at www.dealroom.net FirmRoom provides 80% cost savings over VDRs that bill by page and delivers a far better user experience to boot. Sign up in under 2 mi