Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

Advent Series: The other side



In today's episode... The Other Side Jesus, in two accounts, miraculously feeds large crowds of people. The first time happens in the “land of the twelve.” It was where devout Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel lived and worshiped God. At the end of this account of feeding thousands, we read that there were twelve baskets full of leftovers, representing that there is enough food to feed all God’s people (Matthew 14:13-21).  The second time Jesus fed a large crowd occurred in the Decapolis area east of Galilee, called the “land of the seven.” It was called this because there were seven pagan nations driven from Israel by Joshua, who lived there. At the end of this miracle, we read there were seven baskets full of leftovers this time, representing that there is enough food to feed the pagans too (Matthew 15:29-39) All of this matters because, In Matthew 14:22, Luke 8, and Mark 5, Jesus takes His disciples to the “other side.” This concept of the “other side” is important because it means the “land of the seven”.