Power Station

We are making advocates from multiple sectors into housing advocates as well



If you were to construct an organization with the capability to move bold public policy forward it would have to look like the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC). It starts with a critical mission, to ensure decent and affordable housing for lowest income renters. The fact that 7.3 million Americans experience extremely low incomes, or put another way, that this nation has available and affordable housing for only 33 of every 100 extremely low income households has challenged NLIHC to create an infrastructure that optimizes its reach and impact. Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) is one such initiative, launched in 2018 to make affordable housing champions out of leaders from the civil rights, education,’ and health sectors. On this episode of Power Station, Chantelle Wilkinson, OSAH’s exceptional National Campaign Director, tells a powerful story about the national partners, from the NAACP to UnidosUS and the National Education Association that are embracing housing advocacy and elevating affordabl