Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL088: Find 100,000 Barrels of Oil – Get the Upper Hand



~ Part 7 of a "Dangerous Assignment" old-time radio play: Mitchel is very resourceful.[Photo © Illusionmachine/BigstockPhoto.com] Backed Into a Corner Government agent Mitchel has figured out how the oil was stolen and who did it, but how will he make it out of the ruins alive? It looks like the secret will die with him, but Mitchel is more resourceful than that! Gain the Upper Hand Steve Mitchel has to find a way to gain the upper hand, (佔上風、制勝). He has to figure out a way to keep himself and Haroon alive. Somehow, he has to look stronger, more powerful, than Williams. If you have the upper hand, you are in the better position. You are in a superior position. Your opponent, your enemy, has to give in to you. Use What You Have So who has the better strategy? Who has the better weapon? When you're backed into a corner, you have to use your wits. You have to be resourceful and use whatever you have to your advantage. In this episode, Steve is backed into such a corner. Let's listen and see how resourceful he is