Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL050: Archie – Bankrupt 6 — Put out the fire



Photo: © Bigstock Photo |  kharlamova_lv MARY: And Betty, I want you to go back to everybody you collected that money from and give it all back, and explain fully why you’re giving it back. BETTY: Yes, Mrs. Andrews. What have I done! Archie is shocked when he realizes what he's done. There's his dad telling him he's not broke, yet Archie had heard him worrying over how to make money — he'd heard him with his own ears! Archie's mom pulls the two strands of the story together and finally everyone realizes how this disastrous mistake was innocently made. Put out the fire Unfortunately, the rumor has already spread around town and had devastating effects on the Andrews' social life and business relationships. Now it's time to put out the fire, but that's easier said than done. I call the rumor a fire, because rumors spread quickly — like wild fire. And once they've begun to spread, they are difficult to put out. Fortunately, all involved are at the Andrews home. When they realize their error, they quickly go