Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL047: Archie – Bankrupt 3: Don’t Tell



Rumor has it... Bankrupt Rumor, Part 3: Don't tell another soul! Photo: © Bigstock Photo | AnetlandaBETTY: Now, don't tell another soul! Rumor of the Andrews’ bankruptcy ignites and spreads like wildfire (大肆流傳;沸沸揚揚). It seems to take on a life of its own…there’s no stopping it! When scandalous news (醜聞) is leaked (被透露), people want to share it. What is it about someone else's trouble that interests us so much? Can you imagine if this story took place in today's environment of social media? Betty is quite manipulative (巧妙處理的), and she easily outsmarts Jughead. Jughead doesn't realize what he's doing until it is too late. When he finally understands her tactics, he has already 'let the cat out of the bag' (露餡). That's another way of saying he's revealed the secret. FREE PDF: Keywords & Transcript Quizlet:  Have fun learning the keywords with English-Chinese Flashcards and Games. DL047 Keywords on Quizlet What do you think? Why do rumors spread? What do you think Betty’s motive was in telling the neighbo