Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

Know Your Rights this Christmas (John 1:9-12 and 1 John 2:28-3:3)



"Know Your Rights this Christmas" (John 1:9-12 and 1 John 2:28-3:3) Among Us: A Christmas Story Sunday, December 10th Discussion Questions: Who is the "true light" mentioned in verse 9 and why is light a fitting description of this figure? (Hint: consider John 8:12) What are some ways we can share the "true light" of Jesus with others in our community? How is Jesus a light into the darkness of our lives and the lives of those we know and love? Why do you think the world did not recognize the true light, even though it was made through him? (v. 10) Share a time when you felt "rejected" or "not recognized" by those around you. How did you find your own light in that situation?What does it mean that Jesus "came to his own, and his own people did not receive him"? (v. 11) What is the "right to become children of God" that Jesus gives in verse 12? How does one receive this right? How can we better receive the "right to become children of God" and live out our inheritance as his children?How does this passage cha