Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.2- Wisdom For Hard Times



Do people celebrate wisdom? It’s a kind of yes and no. Wisdom is not fun, exciting, sensual, or anything like that. People don’t usually celebrate wisdom like they do good news or sports. People don’t throw “Wisdom Parties”. On the other side, some people worship wisdom like a god, like it’s a key that unlocks untold insight and success. If I forced you to define it, could you? Is all wisdom the same? Or is some wisdom more important than others? The world is filled with many things that claim to be sources of wisdom, so how can you determine what real wisdom is? What about spiritual wisdom? How is that different from material wisdom? And which is more important? What does wisdom look like? How can you know if you have it? What are the symptoms of wisdom, or a lack of it? More importantly, how do you get wisdom? Where does it come from? What will it look like?