Leading Saints Podcast

Building Empathy in Elders Quorum | A How I Lead Interview with Weston Robinson



Weston Robinson was born and raised in Las Vegas and served in the Ecuador Quito mission. He has since served as an elders quorum president twice, as a Sunday school teacher, an executive secretary, and currently as second counselor in a bishopric. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology from UNLV and has worked in manufacturing, grading and demolition with heavy equipment, interior design, and as a light and sound tech for a local comedy production group. He currently works with a law firm and will begin his first year at UNLV’s Boyd Law School next month. He is married to Kyra Ah Quin and his hobbies include reading, writing, anything outdoors, and lifting heavy things. Highlights 02:50 Introduction to Weston Robinson 06:20 Weston shares his experience as an elders quorum president 07:50 Principle 1: Striving to repent daily, our connection with the Spirit is enhanced and that allows us to discern the needs and concerns of others 10:00 Repentance is more than just changing behavior. It’s turning to Chri