Critical Conversations

#016: Is It Willpower, Or Is It Your Microbiome? Discussing The Foods & Lifestyle Habits That Are Effecting Our Gut Health On A Daily Basis - with Brigid Titgemeier



Gut Health is one of the major key factors we should all be becoming increasingly aware of when it comes to protecting our long-term health. We’re only just beginning to understand, as a society, how intricately related the balance of our microbiome is to our mood, our energy and our immune system. In this episode: Antibiotics, processed foods, refined and artificial sugars, prescription medications, pesticides covering conventional produce & all of our community parks, living in sterile work and home environments, willpower & calorie counting, as well as the impact that a lack of exposure to the outdoors, fermented foods, pre-biotics and pro-biotics are all having on our long term health. According to Brigid Titgemeier, MSN, RD, LDN -  Food cravings aren't actually a willpower problem at all – she says it’s actually a problem with the food environments that are being made available to us. Change your food “norms” - from what you believe to be acceptable, to what is actually nourishing and healing yo