Critical Conversations

#015: Sustainable, Healthy, Ethical Choices - with Heather Young & Jennifer Klotz @shechangeseverything



 When you make small - Sustainable, Healthy, Ethical- changes that matter, over time, it truly can change everything. Simply becoming aware of the changes you can make is all we ask. Making an impact with the information you discover along the way is up to you!  In this episode, we only scratch the surface of it all, while discussing plastics, Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions, the invisible chemicals making you fat, formaldehyde, and the clothing you didn’t know was labeled as "toxic waste" before it made it to your closet. Sisters Heather Young & Jennifer Klotz are the faces behind the truly impactful website: & hosts of the incredible events you may have already heard of, known as SHE DAY.The event will be hitting four major cities across the U.S. in 2019 & Listen closely, because there's a discount code offered specifically for podcast listeners - in this episode! They're here to inspire you, encourage you, provide you with the information you need - to make simple c